

Acuity Group is collective, not an agency.

Each of our core teams are comprised of senior, seasoned authorities, who’ve had the benefit of learning at big jobs with terrific responsibilities.

Because we’ve been both demanding clients and innovative consultants, we see each assignment through multidimensional perspectives.

Our leadership experiences in research, strategy, policy, planning, communications, technology, and design gives us the unique ability to synthesize enduring solutions to some of the most vexing challenges our clients face.

Together, we’ve helped visionary leaders advance select nonprofit, educational, and governmental institutions—throughout the world.

PARTNER > Brand Strategy > Creative Strategy > Advancement > Research > Strategic planning > Higher Education > Nonprofit Organizations

PARTNER > College access > Enrollment management > Student retention > Financial aid > Affordability > Strategic planning > Research & evaluation

PARTNER > Competitive strategy > Brand development > Higher education > Associations > Nonprofits > Fundraising > Capital campaigns > Leadership development > Coaching

PARTNER > College access programs > K-16 and K-20 initiatives > Strategic planning > Community service

CONSULTANT > Messaging > Naming > Research > Human Development > Communications strategy

CONSULTANT > Marketing > Branding > Strategy > Nonprofits > Associations > Higher Education > Ethnographic Research

CONSULTANT > Marketing > Branding > Advancement > Strategy > Nonprofits > Associations > Higher Education > Ethnographic Research

CONSULTANT > Fundraising & development > Higher education > Associations & nonprofits > Wealth screening > Capital campaigns > Case development > Annual giving

CONSULTANT > Marketing > Branding > Advancement > Strategy > Nonprofits > Associations > Higher Education > Ethnographic Research

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