What if Public Higher Education was Nationalized?

What if Public Higher Education was Nationalized?

By Dr. Watson Scott Swail

March 19, 2020

With all the talk about increasing the number of students gaining access to a higher education in a way that is either free or more

Telling the Truth About Returns to Education

Muhlenberg College

Telling the Truth About Returns to Education

By Dr. Watson Scott Swail

I’ve documented the returns to education for several decades, in terms of personal, family, and household income. These data have been used largely to showcase the returns to

The Demographic Challenge of Higher Education

The Demographic Challenge of Higher Education

By Dr. Watson Scott Swail

Most postsecondary institutions across the country are experiencing sharp and steady declines in enrollment. This is for two primary reasons: demographic and economic trends. In 2010, the US hit

What Will Be the Ripple Effect of COVID-19 in Higher Education?

What Will Be the Ripple Effect of COVID-19 in Higher Education?

By Dr. Watson Scott Swail

March 17, 2020

If you aren’t getting much information on COVID-19, better known as the coronavirus, you must either be living in a cage